as of march 27, 2021 this carrd is fully updated. please contact chansfag if you would like to discuss anything regarding the information contained in this carrd.

this carrd lists stray kids fansites that have displayed problematic or sasaeng behavior, whether towards stray kids themselves or towards their stay peers.

fansites will be listed by member, in the order of their "name" and current twitter username (ex. CALL ME CAPTAIN – 971003_CB97), as well as links to their twitter profiles. proof for each fansite is included.

some of these fansites may no longer exist, having either deactivated or deleted their account(s), or may be inactive/closed or on rest/hiatus.

until you have read the information in this carrd or have done your own research regarding supposed "sasaeng" fansites, avoiding saving, using, or spreading their pictures, videos, tweets, and general content is strongly advised; however you are encouraged to do your own research and form your own opinions on whether or not you choose to continue supporting these fansites.

last updated: mar 27 2021

additional carrds
stray kids stan guide
comeback guide

carrd made by @chansfag
please contact me if:
– there are any issues with accessibility regarding this carrd
– you would like to advise me regarding any fansites
– you have any questions, comments, or concerns


⠀the word "sasaeng"⠀

the definition of sasaeng has been labeled with a lot of misinformation in recent years.
a sasaeng is, in the literal sense, a stalker of the group or idol(s) in question.
they intrude on idols' privacy and personal space, and are willing to break rules and/or laws in order to be closer to those idols. this entails much more than taking photos of idols.
throwing the word sasaeng around carelessly lessens the meaning of the word and gives actual sasaengs more freedom for their problematic actions.

fansite activities that ARE considered sasaeng behavior :
– taking photos of idols during private or unannounced schedules
– taking photos of idols during the immigration process (with the exception of photos taken prior to 191215, when the rule was put in place by JYPE)
fansite activities that ARE NOT considered sasaeng behavior :
– airport photos (including but not limited to photos in shops, photos in restaurants, photos taken during or past security)

⠀inaccurate lists⠀

the lists that have been going around for some time now, seen below, are largely inaccurate.click on the images following to enlarge!

please keep in mind that any list or thread you find detailing "problematic" or "sasaeng" fansites, the fansites on those lists who have posted airport photos have not broken any rules and are not problematic because they have posted airport photos. the authors of those threads are simply misinformed.
doing your own research and double checking that these types of lists are accurate before sharing them with others is strongly advised. spreading misinformation gives non-problematic fansites a horrible and unnecessary label.

⠀airport photos⠀

a common misconception when it comes to fansite photos is that airport photos are seen as sasaeng behavior.
this is incorrect.
in south korea, airports are seen as public spaces and when being traveled through by groups and idols, this is a part of their official schedules. because of this, photos taken past security, such as of idols in restaurants, shops, or waiting areas, as well as in terminal transfer buses, are commonly accepted behavior nowadays.
furthermore, companies themselves will notify press and fansites of the dates and times of idols' flights, as it's often seen as good advertising on the fansites' behalf.
on december 15, 2019 jype posted blacklist criteria, in which the only criteria regarding airports lists that:

– (4) you may not follow stray kids after immigration.
– (5) you may not physically touch stray kids at the airport.

there is no rule in regards to taking photos in the airport before or after immigration.only fansites who have taken airport photos during immigration (with the exception of photos taken prior to 191215) will be included in this carrd.
fansites who have taken general airport photos, whether before security or after, will not be included in this carrd, as they do not fall under the problematic label.

⠀JYPE blacklist criteria⠀

the image below is a translation of the official list of blacklist criteria posted by JYPE on stray kids' fanclub website.
the full translation of the statement can be found here.
click on the image following to enlarge!

credits to peachyniellie on twitter for the translation!


click each label for a list of respective fansites.


fansites under the problematic section can be defined by one or more of the following:

– general disrespect or continued rudeness towards stray kids or other stays
– scamming people out of goods being sold, or stealing money from people
– lying, deceiving, or manipulating situations for their own gain
– intentional whitewashing without apology
– racism, cultural appropriation, or disrespect towards poc specifically
– harassing or continuously bothering stray kids or stays
– causing any problems that may risk the safety of stray kids
– pushing, shoving, or crowding stray kids or stays without apology.


fansites under the sasaeng section can be defined by one or more of the following:

– repeat offenses of observing stray kids outside of official schedules
– following stray kids' transportation to or from the head office, dormitory, rehearsal, or other destinations
– continuously following stray kids to multiple locations in general
– repeat offenses of buying or selling private event tickets
– following stray kids after immigration
– following stray kids during their private and personal time
– repeat offenses of taking photos of or recording stray kids in places where it is prohibited.


에버래스팅 (everlasting) – stayxskz

not a sasaeng
personal account is _skz97
infamously known as ppiri, also referred to as eve

everlasting hypocritically posted tweets shading other fansites for posting pictures taken in airports or crowding the members despite having done those things themself. twisted words to suit their own narrative.
they go by they/them pronouns, please be careful not to misgender when referring to them. in the pictures following, they can be seen with pink hair.
click on the images following to enlarge!

tw / woojin mention
everlasting has a history of ignoring buyers and refusing to provide refunds; marketed their bearjin plush as inclusive of ems shipping and then stated it was a misunderstanding, 10 months later. after over a year many buyers still have not received the bearjin plush.
click on the images following to enlarge!

tw / woojin mention
some group order (GO) buyers who joined everlasting's felix touch the sky slogan GO, chan versace on the floor slogan GO, chanlix libra and virgo blanket GO, and woojin perfume GO have not yet received their orders, and everlasting and their admins have ignored all dms and emails regarding the GOs, and haven't provided updates regarding the GOs. this thread contains many proofs of their dms/emails and refund requests being ignored.
did not send the correct quantity to a GO manager (GOM), for three different GO projects. this thread is an english translation of the original GOM's thread.took 8 months to ship out levanter albums from a GO, which were bought to help them enter a fansign, then used covid and other new projects they had started after the album GO as excuses for the delay. they claimed it was "too much work for one person" but continued on with other projects and GOs.

dumped bearjin plushes off to their friend, lied about them to said friend, and never gave them any money to ship out the plushes. screenshots are from twitter user CB97ABC. the 1st and 2nd pictures are user cubs_kr and the 3rd and 4th pictures are everlasting's friend.
cubs_kr was confirmed not to be everlasting's account.
click on the images following to enlarge!

tw / emotional abuse mention
these issues are only a handful among the many that people have had while in contact with this fansite. they have also been known to manipulate and emotionally abuse their "friends" for their own gain, but as those stories are subjective i have chosen not to include them here. however, there are many twitter threads on them that can be found by a simple twitter search for "ppiri thread" along with any of their other usernames, 에버래스팅 / everlasting / 이브 / eve / ppiri / stayxskz / _skz97.

LEPOLEM – lepolem

not a sasaeng

upset by the fact they couldn't get any good seats to get into an event, lepolem said very rude and horrible things about foreign fans on their private account.
there is no visual proof of this, however this information has been known since 2018.

tw / racism , cultural appropriation
montauk is racist. when the hyunjin cultural appropriation situation was happening, they changed their layout to the racist caricature character that hyunjin had dressed up as in order to spite stays who were trying to bring up the issue to JYPE and stray kids.
click on the image following to enlarge!

MEANING – meaning0922

not a sasaeng

meaning pushed a person while trying to take photos, who in turn was pushed into minho.click on the image following to enlarge!

vitabin has ignored buyers and has avoided providing refunds; their changbin reflection slogans were sold in february 2020 and buyers still have not received the product or their money back. vitabin refused to give updates, and has claimed several times to send the slogans out and refund buyers, but no action has ever been taken. the first and second screenshots following are from twitter user vbin0811SCAMMER and the third and fourth are from JulStay. more proof can be found on the vbin0811SCAMMER account.click on the images following to enlarge!


not a sasaeng

hellobabyboy was exposed for scamming in august 2020, seen in this thread. the english translation of this thread has since been deleted. in this thread there is proof of hellobabyboy scamming, money laundering, and committing identity fraud.
twitter user nowburnbibiburn also has endless proof of hellobabyboy being a scammer, amongst everything else.

dreamnight was called out in december 2020 for refusing to refund a GOM and never sending products. the full thread can be found here.click on the image following to enlarge!




call me captain was caught going through stray kids' dormitory trash, which is an invasion of privacy and stalker behavior.click on the images following to enlarge!


(CLOSED)zero stalked stray kids and jisung while they were filming during their tour in australia, however as they have since deleted their account where those videos were posted, there is no visual proof.